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late fee (英國郵局在規定時間之后投遞郵件所收的)過時補加費。

late gate

Administration and management of all kinds of local taxes on foreign enterprises as below : the business tax , the individual income tax , the urban estate tax , the vehicle & vessel tax , the stamp tax , the agri - speciality tax , the culture construction fee , the urban land occupied fee for foreign enterprise and the fine and late fee about local tax (三)組織實施本轄區下列各稅(費)種的征收和管理:營業稅、個人所得稅、城市房地產稅、車輛使用牌照稅、印花稅、農業特產稅、文化事業建設費以及地方稅的滯補罰收入和外商投資企業土地使用費。

Blockbuster , the biggest video chain , has tried to make renting more appealing by eliminating hated late fees . and in august 2004 it introduced blockbuster online , a subscription service offering 40 , 000 dvd titles online that can be received and returned by mail . it costs 17 . 99 a month for three movies out at a time 通過此項服務,用戶可以隨時收看到多達4萬部dvd在線電影,目前該服務的收費為17 . 99美元包月,相對于昂貴的電影票,區區這樣低廉的價格無疑很具有吸引力。

Where the social upbringing charges that should be paid are not paid in full within the prescribed time limit , additional late fees shall be charged according to the relevant provisions of the state from the day of the delayed payment ; where still no payment is made , the administrative department of family planning that decides the charge shall apply to the people ' s court for forcible punishment 未在規定的期限內足額繳納應當繳納的社會撫養費的,自欠繳之日起,按照國家有關規定加收滯納金;仍不繳納的,由作出征收決定的計劃生育行政部門依法向人民法院申請強制執行。

The circular gives clear provisions on the following issues : how to fulfill tax payment application for vehicles that have been put in use without paying tax , how to identify tax calculation basis of such vehicles , collection of tax and late fees of such vehicles , certificate of tax payment , etc 本通知就以下問題給予了明確:關于已使用未完稅車輛如何辦理納稅申報問題、關于已使用未完稅車輛計稅依據如何確定問題、關于已使用未完稅車輛稅款征收及滯納金問題、關于完稅證明問題等。

In cases where the customs discovers that duties are not levied at all or only partially on goods under the customs supervision due to the violation of regulations on the part of taxpayers , it shall pursue and levy duties on the taxpayers within three years , starting from the day of duty payment , and also levy a late fee of 5 / 10 , 000 of the amount not levied , starting from the day of duty payment 海關發現海關監管貨物因納稅義務人違反規定造成少征或者漏征稅款的,應當自納稅義務人應繳納稅款之日起3年內追征稅款,并從應繳納稅款之日起按日加收少征或者漏征稅款萬分之五的滯納金。

However , if the failure to levy duties partially or entirely is caused by the violation of competent provisions on the part of taxpayers , the customs may pursue and levy duties on the taxpayers within three years , starting from the day of duty payment or access being granted to goods ; the customs may also levy a late fee of 5 / 10 , 000 of the amount not levied , starting from the day of duty payment or access being granted to goods 但因納稅義務人違反規定造成少征或者漏征稅款的,海關可以自繳納稅款或者貨物放行之日起3年內追征稅款,并從繳納稅款或者貨物放行之日起按日加收少征或者漏征稅款萬分之五的滯納金。

Tax priority can be divided into general tax priority and special tax priority according to taxed subjects , and common tax priority and super tax priority or broad sense tax priority and narrow sense tax priority according to taxation power . finally , the paper analyzed applicable scope of tax priority . it pointed out that administrative fine and criminal fine should not enjoy priority , and that late fee should enjoy priority 本文嘗試從稅收優先權的基本概念和基本法律性質入手,進而對稅收優先權的種類和適用范圍作了分析,然后接著提出了稅收優先權的行使問題及解決方案,重點分析了稅收優先權的效力沖突并提出了沖突的解決方案,最后總結歸納了我國現有稅收優先權立法的不足,并簡單闡述了完善立法的基本思路。

An amount due which inlucdes a late fee , is offen placed where you would expect the normal charge to be , and the normal charge is deliberately hidden , so people may make a mistake and needlessly pay the late fee , resulting in an overpayment 一個到期金額包括滯納金,就是在你通常期望正常費用的那個位置.并且正常的費用故意隱藏.所以人們可能搞錯并且不必要地支付滯納金額,這樣一來就造成了多付款項

Hancock , mich . - robert nuranen handed the local librarian a book he ' d checked out for a ninth - grade assignment along with a check for 47 years “ worth of late fees . nuranen said his mother misplaced the copy of “ prince of egypt “ while cleaning the house 據美聯社1月7日報道,努拉南表示,他媽媽在收拾房間時將那本名為埃及王子的書放錯了地方才導致了此事的發生。

B . effect of mortgage on guaranteed obligation . it discusses effect of mortgage on guaranteed obligation , interest , late fees , liquidated damages , compensatory damages , and cost of mortgage . c . priority of mortgage (二)抵押權效力所及的被擔保債權,主要討論了抵押權及于被擔保債權、利息債權、延遲金、違約金、損害賠償金債權、抵押權實行費用等的范圍。

No trip to a thinly stocked retailer , no late fees , no waiting for a package in the post ; instead , on - demand access to any film you want , from the latest blockbuster to the most obscure art - house tear - jerker 從不缺貨、沒有滯納金、不必等待送貨上門,你隨時都可以獲得所需要的任何影片,從最新的火爆大片到最陽春白雪的感人文藝片,任君選取。

Netflix is locked in an expensive battle for dominance of the u . s . market with struggling video rental company blockbuster , which abandoned late fees at stores as part of its strategy to keep customers 而在德國,互聯網電影租賃的總銷量到2009年有望達到1 . 92億美元。目前美國互聯網視頻租賃市場的龍頭老大是一家名為netflix的公司。

The pay late fee use case , for example , describes what happens to a user of our video rental system when he encounters a late fee 例如, “支付逾期費” ( pay late fee )用例描述了錄像帶出租系統的用戶遇到要支付逾期費這種情況時會發生的事。

Read ebooks online or download ebooks to a laptop . return ebooks via internet eliminating library trips and late fees 擁有netlibrary ,您就擁有了一個每周7天、每天24小時開放的圖書館。

The blockbuster will charge you some late fees if you don & # 39t return the rented vcd or dvd in time 如果你沒能在預定的時間內交還從百事達租來的vcd或dvd ,你必須得付些預期費。

The blockbuster will charge you some late fees if you don ' t return the rented vcd or dvd in time 如果你沒能在預定的時間內交還從百事達租來的vcd或dvd ,你必須得付些預期費。

If you are tardy in paying your electric bill , there may be a late fee added to your bill 如果你遲繳電費,可能你的賬單上又會增加遲繳的罰款。

The account is invalid due to unpaid late fees : see pay late fees use case 因未支付逾期費造成帳戶無效:請參閱“支付逾期費”用例。

A late fee of $ 50 will be imposed on all registrations completed after 07 / 15 / 2007 七月十五日之后注冊的學生將加繳五十元的費用。